Unduh Activator Hwidgen for Win 10 Terbaru Gratis - Jadi ceritanya saya membuka beberapa artikel tentang apa itu license atau lisensi dari windows 10 yang saya gunakan. Saya menemuka 3 atau 4 versi. Yang pertama adalah VL atau volume license, kedua Retail, ketiga OEM dan keempat adalah MSDN, nah dari beberapa versi yang saya baru kenal ini, saya sering menggunakan yang versi volume, apakah temen-temen sudah tahu apa perbedaan dari keempat license tersebut? Mungkin tidak terlalu penting selama kita bisa menginstalnya ya.
Free Download Activator Hwidgen for Win 10 Terbaru - Namun menurut saya penting sekali untuk kita ketahui sebelum kita benar-benar melakukan crack kepada windows 10 yang kita gunakan, versi apa yang kita gunakan dan bagaimaan cara mengaktifkannya. Disini saya ingin share sebuah aplikasi digital bernama hwidgen, berbeda dengan beberapa activator yang sering saya gunakan, ini lebih simpel dan memang enteng banget, master installernya hanya 1mb lho. Penasaran seperti apa? Yok download dan coba gunakan untuk crack windows temen-temen semua ya.
Beberapa Hal Tentang Hwidgen Digital License Activator :
- You can get HWID digital licence on all windows 10 version including VL editions (except 1507) , There is no pre requirement, Just run this tool, click on patch and done. it will automatically replace any kms licence if present already.
- It doesnt install or store any files for activation in your system. so no need to set exclusions in your av for anything.
- You will have to connect to internet while using this tool to get activation instantly but It also works offline, but will give an error at the activation step at the end. At next online contact system will activate.
- In same hardware, Upon windows 10 reinstall you don’t have to run this tool again and at first online contact the MS Server will recognize the HWID and grant activation automatically. but if Windows 10 VL version is installed, in that case you will have to insert that edition generic key to regain activation. or you can use key-install option in this tool.
- There is also manual method available and if you want, you can use that instead of tool.
- silent switch – hwidgen.mk3 silent
Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan ketika menjalankan Hwidgen Activator :
- Make sure your internet is working fine.
- Make sure you are not running any VPN.
- Make sure there is no windows update blocker program used.
- make sure there are no entries in host file and firewalls made by Antispy and privacy Tools.
- if you want to regain hwid licence Upon windows reinstall in vl edition (retail edition will activate auto, no problem there) of windows 10 then you have to enter its generic key, or you can use key-install option in this tool.
- Windows 10 1507 version is not supported by this tool.
- still you cant get activation then post your concern here with hwidgen generated log.
- (I will post more suggestion as soon as i find them)
Link Download :
Activator Hwidgen v10.18 for Win 10 Terbaru
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