Download Nova Launcher Prime Plus Cracked APK - Mantap guys, ini launcher apk android ke 4 yang saya share dan tulis. Sebelumnya ada 3 ya. Banyaknya permintaan tentang launcher memang harus membuat saya mengelompokkan launcher-launcher sapa saja yang harus kita tulis. Termasuk Nova Launcher Full Version atau Profesional yang satu ini. Launcher sendiri di android kita sangat penting dalam hal kecepatan dan akselerasi guys. Salah pilih launcher bisa salah juga ke belakangnya. Kunjungi juga L Launcher Pro v2.83 Prime Unlocker APK Terbaru.
Kelebihan Nova Launcher Pro Terbaru - Ada beberapa perubahan mendasar pada versi terbaru ini yaitu improved transition yang berarti perpindahan antar layar atau layer atau screen yang diperhalus serta kedua adalah adanya force close pada versi sebelumnya sudah diperbaiki pada versi terbaru ini. Sehingga temen-temen yang mengalami banyak error pada nova launcher sebelumnya sudah akan berkurang. Ini alternatif launcher android lainnya Marshmallow Launcher Pro v1.08 APK Update Terbaru.
Fitur-fitur Terbaru Nova Launcher :
- Ok, Google – Use Google Search’s hotword right from the home screen, just say the words Ok, Google.
- Color Theme – Set the highlight accent color for the launcher
- Also individual Color controls for labels, folders, unread count badges, drawer tabs and background
- Icon Themes – Find thousands of icon themes for Nova Launcher on the Play Store
- Subgrid positioning – Much greater control than standard launchers, Nova Launcher allows you to snap icons or widgets half way through the desktop grid cells
- Customize App Drawer – Custom tabs, Vertical or Horizontal scrolling, Custom effects
- Infinite scroll – Never far from your favorite page, loop through the desktop or drawer continously
- Backup/Restore – Sophisticated backup/restore system allowing you to backup your desktop layout and launcher settings
- Scrollable Dock – Create multiple docks and scroll between them
- Widgets in dock – Place any widget in your dock, such as a 4×1 music player widget
- Import Layout – No need to rebuild your desktop from scratch, Nova Launcher can import from most popular launchers. Including the one that came with your phone.
- Fast – Nova Launcher is highly optimized to do it’s work quickly and quietly, keeping the animations smooth and letting you use your phone as fast as you can move your fingers.
Link Download :

Nova Launcher Prime v6.2.2 Plus Cracked APK
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